Top 10 Pick Up Lines for Women

Pick Up Lines for Women – The Top 10

Pick up lines for women and an essential part of the modern dating world. If you are a woman looking to brush up on your dating or flirting skills then you probably want to start with your opening line. Walking up to a stranger to see if they are interested in you can be scary. What will help ease your fears is preparation. Nothing breaks the ice like a silly, flirty, or hilarious pickup line. Being armed with a couple of really good zingers will put you in a position to walk up to anyone and initiate a potentially romantic relationship.

Here are ten of the world’s best pick up lines for women.

  • Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!
  • Do I know you? Because you look a lot like my next boyfriend.
  • Hey, you are pretty and I am cute. Together we would be pretty cute.
  • There is only one thing I want to change about you: Your last name.
  • Is your Dad a boxer because you are a knockout.
  • I would offer you a cigarette but you are already smoking.
  • Do you like raisins? How do you feel about a date?
  • If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put ‘u’ and ‘i’ together.
  • Are you a parking ticket? Because you have FINE written all over you.
  • Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?
Top 10 Pick Up Lines for Women

Working On Your Delivery

Memorizing one or all of these lines is a good start as you prepare to put yourself out there, but simply saying the words is not the end all be all in pick up lines for women. Flirting is an art, and understanding the techniques can help you personalize your craft of romantic communication.

Traditionally it has been men that initiate a conversation. The classic model is to frequent an establishment that promotes meeting new people like a bar or dance club. When a man sees someone that he is interested in he moves over and the flirting begins. Whether or not you believe that this is valid in today’s politically correct and equalized world doesn’t matter. Without a doubt, there are going to be men who are interested in you that think that this is the way things work.

So in your preparations for flirting the first step is being able to work with the guy’s delivery. His opening line can be sweet, funny, or deep. Chances are you will hear a lot of pick up lines in the course of your dating career. The best way to roll with what he is trying is to match his style and intensity.

How to Be Successful

If a guy walks up and starts flirting with you and is appropriately attractive there is no danger in matching his intensity. Even if he comes on very strong. By meeting him where he is you are helping him feel more comfortable. If he says a funny pick up line then let him know you appreciate that kind of thing by dishing out a funny line right back. You may not always be the initiator, therefore your hard work in preparation does not come from working up your courage as much as it does being versatile in your response.

One good way to learn how to think quick on your feet when practicing the art of pick up lines for women is to practice in an online chatroom. You don’t have to be seriously interested in getting a relationship (you never know though) but being able to chat with real people where the pressure is a lot less can be extremely valuable in becoming a skilled flirter.

Additional Tips

Now let’s say you are feeling like you want to be the one that kicks things off. You see a gentleman that you would be interested in and decide to be the one that walks over. Many women find this approach refreshingly exciting. Walking up to a man and flawlessly delivering a pickup line of any type is seriously bold. Good for you! But the kind of lines that you use inform a man a lot as to your intentions and personality.

Going with the cheesiest lines indicates that you are a flirt all the way through, and pick up lines for women are no exception. The goofier the line you use the more you are saying to the man, ‘I know what I am doing and am not worried about whether or not you reciprocate’.

Who Do I Target?

The greatest challenge in the communication of pick up lines for women is that of compatibility. You may be attracted to one person but that person may not be attracted to you. Someone else might be into you but you don’t really feel anything for them. After some experience in seeing the type of people that are into you and knowing what you are looking for in a romantic partner, you will start to see some trends and patterns.

Those patterns apply to both physical attributes of an individual as well as elements of their personality. Since the only thing that you have to work within situations where pick up lines might be used is the outward and physical things about a person you that is where you start. It is not so much that you are looking to put someone in a box as it is you trying to determine the odds that a given person will reciprocate your showing affection for them.

So you scan the room for people who look like the kind of guy that will be into the kind of girl you are. You will probably notice one right away. Usually, the first person that you determine is a good choice to try to talk to is your best bet. You are going to be more excited to break the ice with a great one-liner early on in the night. However, if at first, you don’t succeed what do you do?

Regrouping After a Fail

Pick up lines for women are not always the easiest of deliveries. You took a drink of liquid courage, made your way to someone who you think will be interested in you romantically speaking, you say one of the herein included one-liners and instead of playing out like a scene from a movie the man just sits there and scowls at you. Or worse, you realize that he is not nearly as attractive up close as he was from the other side of the room. What do you do now? You have to abort.

Freezing up in awkward situations where you didn’t have a good connection right away leads to further embarrassment. The best course of action is having a preplanned reason to walk away. If you have a friend with you at the club or bar then you could quickly explain you have to get back to them. If you are solo you may need to excuse yourself to the restroom. From here you need to take time to regroup with those you are with or even just yourself.

Don’t let one bad attempt sour the whole night. Wait a few minutes to get your undoubtedly racing heart to come back down to a rate that is more normal. Once the rush of the last encounter has worn off you can start checking the room for another guy you can try to talk to.

Tips For After Successful Pick Up Lines for Women

The reverse of the situation just described is when your walking over to somebody and flawlessly delivering a pickup line results in a happy man who wants to talk to you. Just as you needed to let your heart settle down after a botched attempt, here too you need to fight to keep your adrenaline under control. It’s just a simple conversation, try to act normally.

There really isn’t any topic that is off limits in a first conversation however you should avoid getting to know someone too well right away. While that sounds counterintuitive to the purpose of flirting, in reality, it is taking a long term view of things. Theoretically, the two of you would be willing to go on a proper date in the not too distant future. First dates can be even more stressful and awkward than the pickup line game. If you spill your guts right away you are going to find yourself stretching for more things to talk about when the first date comes around. Forcing conversations is not attractive.

By keeping your first interaction relatively short you leave the guy wanting to know more about you. It gives him an incentive for taking you out on a date in the first place. The challenge is helping him remember that you are a great person during the intervening days between your first meeting and a date. This means that you need to get his number and keep the initial connection between the two of you alive and well.

Text Messaging Success

How you use text messaging is another way to reveal and receive revelations about the kind of people the two of you are. Try being genuinely emotive. Using different kinds of emoticons can help you come across as a real person as you ask them how their day was or as you tell them that you are looking forward to seeing them. You don’t need to text them every day that you don’t see them, but you do want him to know that you are there and that he is on your mind from time to time. Texting can also be a good time to utilize another one of the included pickup lines.

Think of it as a marketing campaign. You are selling the idea of yourself if not your personality generally. If he liked what you did when you first met then there is no reason to do anything different, at least until you can introduce yourself to him in a more complete way. Be brief, funny, and very flirty.

Tips For The First Date

The first date is where the really hard work of courtship starts. A proper first date is probably going to be a casual dinner, lunch, or something comparable. Make sure you are early and come prepared. Just as with the other two main elements, the pickup line, and the intervening communication you need to have a game plan going into the first date. Think of what you want the guy to know about you. Think about what you want to know about him.  A lot of the things that will first come up are going to be very generic; Where do you work? Where are you from? Etc.

It is okay to start with these things if they are generally important to you but don’t spend too much time on them. Get out of the box by asking what his favorite animal is or something else that he will think is fun and unique. Ask questions that he has never been asked before on a first date. The goal here is to stand out. He very well may have been on another first day the night before and he might have another first date lined up for the next night. You need to be the girl that he remembers most. The one that he grins about when you pop into his head.

The goldmine of first dates is introducing him to something that you will mutually be into. If he is an artistic type you might discuss different art themed websites or even plan a second date to a museum. If he is more of a gamer then you can show him that you are into all the same retro games that he is. Through your questions find something that you can connect with and use that mutual interest as a door to further interaction.

Summary for Pick Up Lines for Women

The reward of a healthy romantic relationship can all start with the right pickup line. The delivery will help you get to the intervening texting which will set the stage for a great first date which leads to more dates and then who knows what after that. Keeping a handful of the best pick up lines out there is the key to the door of a fun relationship.

The number one thing to remember is that you are always working to show who you really are. The other side of that coin and therefore the second most important thing to keep in mind is that you are trying to determine what kind of man you are dealing with. Finding mutual interests and goals is critical and ultimately really kind of fun.