Top 10 Conversation Starters on a First Date

Conversation Starters on a First Date; The Top 10

Conversation starters on a first date are a terrific thing to know. When you are on a first date, it does not matter how long you have been chatting or talking with a person, you will still fumble for things to talk about. You make small talk and then lapse into that uncomfortable silence that makes minutes seem like hours.

 So, how do avoid this problem? How do you move past the small talk and make the type of impression that will earn you a second date? Believe it or not, this can easily be done with the right conversation starters. You just need a way to start the conversational flow and the night will go smoothly. We have compiled the top 10 conversation starters on a first date, to help you find out great information for future plans and keep the conversation moving all night.

Top 10 Conversation Starters on a First Date

1) What Kind of Music do You Like?

This is a great conversation starter because it easily applies to everyone. Asking about music preference is just personal enough to give you some great insight into the person you are talking to, and still noninvasive at the same time. This simple question will also open the field for other topics based on their answers. Music is a sure-fire good topic for conversation starters for a first date.

For example: if they say classical, you could smoothly follow with questions about concerts or performances seen and so on. This gives you an opening to find more interests that can be used in later date planning as well. Be attentive and truly listen to their responses. This is also a great time for you to show how interested you are in the other person. This will earn you points in dates to come and could possibly be that needed push for a second date.

2) What is Your Favorite TV Show or Movie?

Conversation starter number two also applies to almost every person. You will be hard pressed to find someone who doesn’t have a favorite. This too will give you insight into your date’s personality. Maybe they like scary movies or romantic comedies. You might find that you both love action movies and crime tv. Whatever they say you will be able to use this information for that Netflix binge night or to avoid those scary movies on your next night out. Learning what your date enjoys watching, if anything at all, is a good choice of conversation starters for a first date.

This will also allow you to move into other topics seamlessly. Avoiding those silence gaps, we all hate. Make the most of these questions. Each one will give you ample information to grasp onto to continue a conversation for hours. And if you get stuck somewhere in the middle of the night, try another question and go from there. There are no rules as to how many conversation starters you can use.

3) What do You Like to do For Fun?

What do you like to do for fun? Are you getting the pattern here? Yes, another question that applies to every person out there. That is the point of this list. These questions will work no matter what situation you find yourself in on your first date. Asking what they like to do for fun tells you about their hobbies and interests outside of professional and family. This is where you will find great ideas for future dates. Learning what your potential love interest enjoys to do is a great topic of conversation starters for a first date.

You will also be able to find some common ground. Maybe you will find that you both like rollerblading in the park or hiking those secluded mountain trails no one else knows about. Finding common ground will give you a topic to discuss that you won’t have to wing. If you find you have common hobbies, use that to carry you through to another topic. Just keep it going and you will find your way to the end of the night.

4) Who is Your Idol or Mentor?

Who is your idol or mentor? This question will bring out a sense of pride in your date. A person’s mentor is someone they hold very dear and think highly of. So, this question will give you perspective into the values of your date. Letting you find out what matters to them without having to seem psycho crazy for asking personal questions on the first date. With one question, they will be gushing with answers. This is a topic that all enjoy discussing. Though it is different for everyone, it is a personal pride point for everyone.

This too may give you a chance to see what your date’s aspirations are for the future. People often try to emulate their idols/mentors. To become as great as they are, or at least learn their skill. For example; someone who idolizes Jane Austen might have aspirations of becoming a writer. The same goes for Babe Ruth and playing baseball. Just take your cues from their answers to further your conversation in new directions.

5) Do You Prefer Computer or Console Games?

This question applies to over half the population any more. Games are quickly becoming an integral part of life. People play games to relax, connect, and just veg out. With gamers and hobbyists making a sport of it, there will be no shortage of follow up conversation with this topic. If you like games yourself you can use your preferences to carry on even longer. This could be a fun date night suggestion as well.

Ask them something like what kind of games do you like to play. Tell them about sites you know where you can play together. Computer game sites are easily found. For example; has some great retro games. They are sure to have one that piques your date’s interests. Make it fun and they will respond.  Just asking computer or console will keep the conversation flowing for a while and introducing the option of playing together will keep it going for days.

Games are also a great way to be competitive and keep things fun. With the multitude of gaming opportunities and the variety of games to be found, you will have endless adventures ahead. Games can make traditional dating exciting without having to spend much money or devote endless time. Games are a trendy pick for conversation starters on a first date.

6) Where Would You Like to Travel To?

Travel interests tell a lot about a person. This simple question can lead to conversations about cultural interests, interests in architecture, and ideas of what their desires are. You might even find another common interest. Wouldn’t it be nice to have another topic you can agree on? Although, debating a topic can be just as fun. Which will inevitably happen as you discover each other’s likes and dislikes. Just make sure it stays amiable, and you could have second date possibilities on the horizon.

This topic could also lead you to discoveries of work-related dreams or family heritage. Maybe their grandparents live in Italy and they have always wanted to visit. Or they want to work in Washington to be able to visit the monuments daily. Who knows where this conversation could lead, but you will never find out if you just sit in silence. Put the ideas out there and let them build themselves.

7) If You Could Pick Any Century to Live in, Which One Would You Pick?

This question takes some thought but leads to an interesting conversation. Allowing the other person to delve into the fantasies of the mind shows their playful side. The century with which a person relates tells a lot about their beliefs and values. Maybe they want to go back to the Victorian Era because dating was simple and polite. Perhaps they just like the courting rituals that were observed in the 16th century. Either way, you have found out that they have a romantic side.

On the other hand, you may find they have a barbaric side and prefer to live in the caveman days. Where life was simple and you had to hunt just to survive. This would show an adventurous side and signify that they are not scared of a challenge. Again, with one question you have valuable information about the person sitting across from you and conversation enough to fill the silent zone.

8) What is Your Favorite Animal?

Animal preferences will tell you even more about a person than words alone. Each animal has its own significance, but that would be a subject for another day. For right now this topic will give you helpful insight into your date as well as get some health issues out of the way. If they are allergic to dogs this would be a great way for them to introduce that into the first date without it being wrong. Animals is an amazing choice for conversation starters on a first date.

It is not customary or good etiquette to discuss someone’s health issues or ask health-related questions on a first date. In fact, it is one of the questions not to ask on a first date. However, some topics are better said than not. With allergies to animals and foods being dangerous, it is important to know about them before making further plans. With this type of question, you get the answers you need without breaking any etiquette rules in the process. 

9) What Food Could You Eat Every Day?

Question number 9 is much like the animal question only for food. This again will uncover food allergies while giving you an idea of the other person’s tastes, literally. This easily flows into questions about restaurants, cooking habits, preferences for certain cuisines, and much more. Again, allowing you to carry the conversation in other directions. Plus, you will also get great places to visit for future dates, and who doesn’t like being invited to their favorite restaurant?

The information honed from this question will help you in the future as your dating turns serious as well. Giving you date night suggestions as well as special occasion meal ideas that will wow them. Imagine the possibilities for making a birthday meal from scratch that includes their favorite food. So, be sure to make a mental note of the answers to this question.

10) Do You Like Art?

Art is a topic that will bring out the emotions of whoever views them. Good, bad, or indifferent. This will lead to revelations into the character and ideology of your date. What moves them and what bores or annoys them. Most people have a vague understanding of art. They will have an immense understanding of that which they like. Use this to further the depth of your conversation. Find another topic to debate and carry the night through. Needless to say, art is a terrific choice of conversation starters on a first date.

With this information, you will get a small glimpse into the inner workings of your date’s mind. What moves them and what causes them pain. What they consider true beauty and what they think of natural beauty. No matter their answers you have now found another way to keep the conversation moving forward and had a healthy debate about both of your choices.

Final Words for Thought

Whether you start with music or food, utilizing this list of top 10 conversation starters on a first date will bring you hours of communicational cues. The only limit to the possibilities is your ability to follow the subject where ever it leads and the time of day. But maybe talking to the wee hours of the morning is a good sign. A note to remember when asking these questions, they will probably be turned back to you. You might want to be prepared with your own set of conversationally stimulating answers. This will be a sure-fire way to keep your date going and moving towards date number two.

Conversations lag, this is inevitable. You do not have to accept it lying down though. Think about your date and the things you would like to know about them. Then work them into the conversation starters above and you will be set to go. If you want some more tips or to get some ideas used by others sign into the conversation here: ( We all face the same struggles when it comes to dating and here you can find some company to help you through the whole ordeal.