How to Get a Guy to Like You by Being Yourself

How to Get a Guy to Like You: The Sure-Fire Way

You see him every day at the coffee shop. Then, again at the deli down the road. That really cute guy that you have wanted to go out with for a while. But he just hasn’t made any moves towards asking you out. So, now what do you do? Do you write him off as not meant to be? Of course not. You find a way to make him like you. But how do you manage that? There are many ways to achieve this. Here we have compiled a list of top ideas of how to get a guy to like you. Try one or try them all. Just try, oh and don’t give up at least not without giving yourself a chance first. Keep reading to find out how to get a guy to like you.

How to Get a Guy to Like You by Being Yourself

Be Yourself

One of the most important tips we can give you about getting a guy to like you is to be yourself. There are many reasons that this works. One reason is that it will allow you to relax. Acting like something you are not is hard work and can project an unreachable personification. When you are not trying to act how you think people want you to be, you can be more comfortable. In doing so you come across as a happier person. Guys are attracted to happy. They want someone they can share some laughs with and just have fun.

Another benefit of being yourself is that your guy will be interested in the real you. When you put on an act to impress someone, it is a hard act to continue. Sooner or later you will falter in the routine and though he may not disapprove of the real you, he won’t like that you lied to him. Lies are a major turn off and can cause you to lose what you worked so hard to achieve. That is why being yourself is at the top of our list of ways to get a guy to like you.

Like Yourself

Our next tip is important, not only for catching that guys eye but for life in general. If you want someone else to like you, you need to start with liking yourself. This along with being yourself will show the world your best side. Liking yourself is hard to do in a self-loathing society. Guess what though? It is okay to like yourself and to be uniquely you. So, that means to embrace all of your little imperfections and come to terms with all of your weaknesses.

When you reach the point of liking yourself you will be more confident. Here’s another tip, guys like confidence. Liking yourself and accepting all of your quirky flaws will also lift your spirits and put positivity back into your life. Doing this will change the way you see yourself, thus changing the way people see you. What you see is what you project to the world. Make sure you are seeing the beautiful you that hides deep within. Then the world will see it too. Oh yeah, and so will your guy.

Speak Your Mind

Speaking your mind is our next tip to getting a guy to like you. Note though, this does not mean that you should be rude or tell people exactly what you think. Use your people filter for this one. Guys like to know what women think. They like to hear your opinions. So, share what is on your mind. Who knows, you might find you have the same views and a great lead into an interesting conversation.

In expressing your thoughts, you also allow a guy to know more about you. Thus, giving them more reason to take notice. And we all know he can’t like you if he hasn’t noticed you. We know he has seen you, but you need to make him take notice. Speaking your mind is a good way to achieve this task.

Challenge Them

Okay, so this one is about the male machismo effect. Challenging a guy is a great way to get him to not only see you but also to see what you are made of. Fact is guys love challenges. They are always comparing everything with their friends and making a competition out of everything. Throw yourself in the mix. Challenge him to back up his claim. Make him prove he is the best at that sport. Have fun with it and he will take notice.

A great way to do this if your guy is into online games is to challenge him to a game you can play together online. has some great classics you can challenge him to. No matter what game you choose, remember to have fun and be yourself. He will see the fun side of you and definitely take notice. Besides, what is the worst that could happen? You will spend some time having fun. That is not such a bad side effect especially if you see the benefits in the long run.

Maybe your guy is more of the athletic type. Challenge him to a mountain climbing day or on a friendly bike race. Winner buys dinner. This is a way to grab his attention and get a date out of the deal as well. And if you lose and have to pay dinner, at least you will get to eat it with him and he will be sure to take notice.

Be Open to New Ideas

Okay, ladies, this is a big one. You need to keep yourself open to new ideas. Try new things and embrace your adventurous side. This does not mean go out a do something that scares you to death. It does mean to step out of your comfort zone though. Try movies you thought you hated. Eat foods that sound disgusting. You might find something new you like and you might show your guy that you are up for the challenge.

Another great side of trying new things is that you open a whole new world of possibilities for dates or adventures. Again, to guys challenges and adventures are like games. Just a word of advice though, if you are going to be trying new things, you want to make sure your guy is willing to do his part as well. He needs to try your ideas as well. If not, what is the sport in that? So, remember that new ideas are a two-way street.

Show Your Interest

One of the most obvious yet least utilized ways to get a guy to like you is the direct approach. Show the guy you are interested. Maybe he is into you but thinks he has no chance with a girl like you. After all, women are intimidating, right? So, just go for it. Tell him you like him and find out what he has to say. He might like that you speak your mind and have the guts to go after what you want.

This direct approach also works to your advantage. If he is not interested at all, he will surely tell you (maybe subtly but still). Then you will have two choices. Look for another fantastic guy or turn on the charm and change his mind. Personally, I would look for another guy but that is a decision you must judge. If you think you can change his mind go for it.

Learn What He Likes

This next tip to get a guy to like you should be one of the easier methods on this list. You have obviously seen this guy somewhere, probably more than once. That will be your first indication of what he likes. To get more information you will have to take the initiative and ask him. There are, of course, other methods but stalking is just creepy and highly frowned upon. So, take a deep breath and ask.

When you finally find the courage to speak to him, you might find he likes what you have to say. Ask him what he likes to do and make sure you really listen. Knowing what he likes and finding something you have common interests in will allow you to plan something for you to do together. After you have planned out your adventure you can invite him to join you. If you have done your homework well, he will have a good time and get to see you as someone who listens, cares, and knows how to have fun.

Dress the Part

This one is a bit harder than it sounds. I know you already dress to impress whenever you know you will see him. But maybe that is the problem. If you are dressing to the nines to go to the coffee shop, he may think you are out of his league. You need to choose your outfit according to the occasion. Wear outfits that accentuate your greatest qualities and will still fit into your locale. If you are going to the coffee shop or the deli, try your favorite jeans and a graphic tee.

Choosing something that you are comfortable in is important. This goes back to being yourself. Being comfortable helps you to relax and put your best face forward. Showing your guy, you have class and are very much attainable, will make him more likely to take interest than intimidating him with expensive styles he might think are out of his reach.

Be One of the Guys

No, we do not mean literally. Being one of the guys means to get into the masculine mindset. What do guys like to do? Where do they like to go? Figure this out and invite your guy to one of these places. He might be pleasantly surprised and give you a chance for a second date.

While you should try this new adventure into the world of guys, you should not do something outside of your character. That would go back to the tip about being yourself. If you do something you definitely do not enjoy, just to impress a guy, he is sure to expect you to do it again. This can backfire when you are now obligated to do something you are not interested in, not once but multiple times.

Think outside the box though. Finding something that he likes that you can enjoy as well will give the two of you something to enjoy together in the future. Making dates possible and more enjoyable for both of you

Share Yourself

This final tip is crucial for getting a guy to like you. You have to share yourself. No that doesn’t mean give yourself to him. This simply means that you have to share the things you like. This also ties into speaking your mind. By sharing yourself with this guy you are letting him see the true you. In this way, he will be able to see things he likes as well. Who knows, you could become one of those things on his list of likes.

If he doesn’t know what you like or think, how will he ever know if he likes you? You need to have something in common for him to be interested. Catching a guy’s eye is easy, turning that glance into interest takes a bit more work. Are you up for the challenge?

Putting it All Together

No matter the challenge you face with getting your guy to like you, following the above guide will help you along the way. Being yourself and trying new adventures will bring you to a reachable level for this guy. It will also make you available in his eyes.

Remember though, while being yourself is great and finding something you have in common will give you great dates to go on, he may never make the first move. So, don’t be shy. Step up to the challenge and make the first move yourself.

For more great ideas and opinions check out this site You might find someone with the same kind of guy issues and you can work through the challenges that are men together.