Starting a conversation on a dating app determines how successful your conversation will be. If you are not careful enough to understand how you could start a conversation on a dating app, you will realize how it could turn out to be negative.
The steps given here will guide you to start a conversation anywhere on a dating app. It has been a proven procedure that has been efficient during the years, and it’s deemed fit to be brought here to make dating conversation easy amongst guys and ladies.
# Tips For Starting a Conversation on Dating App
These are the online dating tips; you are wondering how you could start a conversation on a dating app; it shouldn’t be an issue; the steps have been simplified to carry everyone along. The steps are given here for easy comprehension. You have to:
- Get some vital information on what or who you want
- Send an attention-catching message
- Try to be funny. Make a reference to something on their Bio/username. Make it personal.
- Follow up if she doesn’t respond
- Know when to ask her out
Some guys could attest that it’s tricky to make a lady respond to them, especially if she is attractive. If you don’t have a unique messaging strategy, it could take you some time.
So just get a unique messaging strategy and see how everything will fall in your place. Remember, online dating conversations could be fun if you get the right approach or procedures.
Tip 1: Observe Likes & Dislikes
Once you get someone attracted to you, look through her photos; from there, you will know her personality because her profile pics indicate how she wants to present herself.
Also, try to go through her profile, know what she is passionate about. She will be more eager to answer or respond if your line of question is her passion.
Finally, you have to take cognizance of everything you all have in common; when you consider it, the conversation will be more sustained because it suits your interest.
Tip 2: Send an Attention-Catching Message
Your messaging style should be unique, and if your style of message is not unusual, you will likely not get who you desire. The conventional way of starting a message is not yielding fruits again like “Hello”, “Hi baby”, “You are beautiful” the guys are always making use of it, they actually know it’s not yielding positive fruits again, but everything will be repositioned.

Dating experts have always advocated that conversation starters should always be catchy.
Your message needs to get her attention, which will, in turn, make her want to know more about you and all that pertains to you. If you also want to make it easy for her to respond, then ask her questions.
Then come up with a discussion or conversation that is a thought-provoking, fun, and playful message. When you follow this pattern, be assured that everything will definitely fall in place.
When Starting a Conversation Online
Try To
- Simplify and make it easy for her to respond by asking a question in your message
- Ask her questions from the information you gathered from her profile; try never to deviate from the information hovering around her personality.
- Construct a good sentence by using proper grammar and a correct spelling
Try Not To
- Compliment her looks; this has been a normal thing for guys, and it’s not always working out; her looks shouldn’t get compliments because it’s an old-fashioned style of starting a conversation; it’s no longer worthwhile.
- Write long and multiple paragraphs; she can’t waste her time reading endless paragraphs with no meaning; try as much as possible to maximize short lines of sentence driving your point home.
- Ask her out at the first instance; that is the first-time you people started chatting. She wants to know you before actually meeting you. Please avoid such errors.
Tip 3: Follow Up If She Doesn’t Respond
It could happen; in fact, it happens; after all your attention-seeking or catchy messages and she doesn’t respond, you will feel depressed or dejected, right? But don’t worry, there is a remedy for such a situation, but always expect such.
Though it’s heart-breaking and touching, there is definitely always a way out of the tunnel. But, of course, she could be busy, or maybe she forgot to reply or some other thing, so relax, there is a way out.

Send her one or more messages after a day. This message will make her understand that you genuinely love her, but you don’t want just to appear so desperate. It’s a soft spot for her, so just take it easy and steady.
If she didn’t respond after the whole follow-up, you don’t have to kill yourself; just let it go. Besides, there are lots of fish outside.
Tip 4: Know When to Ask Her Out
There is time for virtually everything on planet earth, so don’t have a misplaced priority, so know when to ask her out; it’s essential and crucial. If you don’t understand this tip, you will get the whole procedure wrong, which will be detrimental.
This should be the last thing you should do after you must have followed the previous tips. But then, when she responds to your attention-catching message, there is an easy strategy to keep the conversation flowing towards a rendezvous.
Try To
- Give a little response or comment on her answer to the question you asked.
- Always answer it yourself so she can learn some things from you too.
- Always ask her something else, ask her exciting questions.
Every message should be an opportunity to highlight your good qualities and character, thereby marketing yourself. The main and critical point of online dating conversation is to build attraction.
For example, she could probably ask about your plans for the weekend, and you could reply that you plan to go to the gym house, then after that, you go to the grocery store and meet some friends for the concert, which will indicate that you are responsible.
You have communicated that you are responsible enough to be active, family-oriented, and have a wonderful social life; all these are fascinating qualities.
You may be wondering how many questions you can probably exchange for asking her out; you may not want to scare her out or rush to ask questions. For you to ask her out, you have to ask her out the right way. You have to make a statement you are certain she will agree with.
Common Mistakes Made in Starting a Conversation on A Dating App
- Not writing your profile/bio: You may have the mindset of thinking that making your profile empty is a mature thing to do in a dating app, but you may not be taken seriously by those that want to chat with you. It doesn’t matter if you are attractive; all that people want to see is your profile. A dating profile matters a lot, and your profile determines who you are.
- Too many pictures: Since you are allowed to upload pictures, it doesn’t give you the right to upload too many pictures; people will not like it; it looks bizarre. At least four to five pictured are okay.
- No full-body Photo: It’s always advisable to add a full-body Photo so people could access you fully. It usually works in your favor; otherwise, they will jump to a conclusion.
- Boring Conversation Starters: This is one big mistake you should avoid. It will ruin your whole conversation, and they will probably not respond to you. So, start your conversation with an ice-breaking message to catch her attention. Having a good tinder opener will guarantee you a good conversation on tinder, and it will give room for fluidity in your conversation.
- No momentum: When you stay too long to arrange a date with someone, you will probably lose momentum, so know the timing and know when to go on a date with her. Everything should have its own time; momentum is essential because it will give you the compelling force to forge ahead.
- No interesting photo: When there is no interesting photo, it makes it look boring; there should be a photo of you doing some interesting things like pictures at the gym house, skydiving, driving, and so on. It will definitely increase the attraction in the person to chat with you.
- Too many pictures of the opposite sex: You may not see anything wrong in having too many pictures from people of the opposite sex, but it is really intimidating because you will always see it as high competition, which could make you not interested again.
If you meticulously follow the above steps in starting a conversation on a dating app, you will definitely get what you want fully.