Take this quiz to find out if your wife is great

The Ultimate “Is Your Wife Great” Test

Whether you’re getting married soon or you have been married for a while, it can be insightful and fun to see if your wife really is the best (or if you’re the best wife). Heads up: there won’t be any “what’s your favorite color” questions on this test. It’s meant to give insight into your relationship, and personal preferences aren’t that relevant.

So, how can you tell if your wife is great? Follow the test below and see what your results are!

Section 1: Trust (5 Questions)

We all understand that trust is vital to relationships, but how can we measure it? Here are a few quick questions about trust and how you can determine if your wife trusts you.

#1. Does your wife constantly monitor your phone?

  1. She has full access to it but she never really goes through it.
  2. She asks to use it a lot and I notice she goes through most apps and searches.
  3. My wife doesn’t ever touch my phone. She only keeps track of hers.

#2. Does she take you shopping for intimate apparel with her?

  1. I go with her sometimes. She knows I won’t be turned on by the pictures of models.
  2. I’ve never gone with her. She makes sure I don’t come across other scantily clad women.
  3. I go with her every time, but I rarely give input. I’m usually waiting and playing games on my phone.

3. Do you share all passwords and access to everything online?

  1. We actually keep an Excel spreadsheet of all of our passwords combined.
  2. I ask for the passwords to everything every time, and she has to do the same.
  3. We use the same password for everything, and if we reset it we let the other know.

4. Do you both openly share stories about one another’s past relationships or problems?

  1. She and I are both comfortable talking about past relationships. We’ve even come across old boyfriends or girlfriends before, but they don’t bother us now.
  2. She doesn’t really bring up her exes, and she’s not a fan of when I talk about mine.
  3. The topic of past loves never comes up. If it did, I would feel uncomfortable.

5. When she has a hard day, what most likely ensues in your home?

  1. She discusses her frustrations with me, and I listen and give feedback.
  2. She cries and we eat dinner in silence. She doesn’t like talking when she’s upset.
  3. Usually, when she’s upset, she takes a very long bath and listens to her favorite music while I clean up dinner and get ready for bed.

If you mostly answered with “1”: 3 points

If you mostly answered with “2”: 1 point

If you steadily answered with “3”: 2 points

Section 2: Communication (5 Questions)

Clear and steady communication is key for healthy relationships. If your communication skills need some refining, this will help you see that!

1. How often do you discuss goals and future life decisions?

  1. We discuss goals and big choices every couple of months to see where we are.
  2. It’s rare that these topics come up, but when they do I initiate the conversation.
  3. We go over our goals and desires every few days.

2. Does your wife bring up some of your actions that upset her from time to time?

  1. I know certain things annoy her, but we don’t really discuss them ever.
  2. Sometimes I feel like she gets upset out of the blue when something has bugged her for a long time and she finally has to get it off her chest.
  3. When she’s upset with me, or if I’m upset with her, we evenly take initiative in going over what either of us did to upset the other and how we can avoid it in the future.

3. Is the question “How was your day” brought up regularly?

  1. We both know our days stay relatively the same, so it’s a pointless question.
  2. We ask that question maybe once a week or so, but we don’t usually go over each other’s days or talk about work.
  3. Every day. She shares her day, I share mine. Usually, we laugh or share annoyance at something that happened in one of our experiences.

4. Does she clearly communicate what she wants on a date night?

  1. When we do have date nights, it’s always dinner and a movie with cuddles.
  2. I usually have to guess at what she wants. If I ask where she wants to eat, I’m often met with the question, “Whatever you want”, although she and I have different taste in food.
  3. We generally have an idea of where we’re going or what we’re doing when we go out. She gives input as much as I do, and sometimes she plans dates to surprise me.

5. How often do you have miscommunications that cause little arguments?

  1. We don’t ever seem to have miscommunications. It’s pretty easy to understand each other, and if I have any questions she answers them.
  2. We argue about little miscommunications every day, whether it’s about schedules, food, finances, or little conversations.
  3. While we have miscommunications occasionally, we’re quick to go over how the confusion happened. We don’t blame one another, but learn from it and discuss it.

If you answered mostly 1): 2

If you regularly answered 2): 1

If you frequently checked 3): 3

Section 3: Finances (5 Questions)

Disagreements and fights over money lead to a lot of issues in marriages. If you’re wondering how you and your wife measure up when it comes to finances, here’s are some quick questions:

1. Are you both open and clear about spending habits and how much is in savings?

  1. She rarely tells me about significant purchases. We do all right, but I feel out of the loop.
  2. We discuss important purchases and frequently check the budget together. We’re not perfect, but we both make an effort to understand where we are, financially speaking.
  3. We both check the bank account balance before buying groceries or anything. We don’t usually talk about it unless a problem comes up.

2. Does she work? Whose decision was it?

  1. I work, and she spends the money. That was her choice.
  2. She works part-time because she wants to. She does freelancing, teaching piano, or sharing another skill. She wants to work and be at home.
  3. She has a full-time job because that’s only fair. I asked that we both be providers, and she agreed. She would be fine either way.

3. How often does she splurge on eating out?

  1. We eat out all the time. Neither of us cooks. She prefers eating out.
  2. We eat in most of the time. We go out to eat once or twice a week for fun.
  3. I enjoy eating takeout, and she follows suit. We eat at home half of the time.

4. Do you share a bank account or have separate ones?

  1. We have separate accounts, but she pretty much runs both. I rarely see them.
  2. We share a bank account and can see every purchase.
  3. We have separate accounts, but use them equally and would be fine having them combined or not.

5. Do you feel like one of you accumulates more debt than the other?

  1. She is a debt magnet. I see it building up every month and I’m working on chipping away at it and making ends meet.
  2. She and I both accumulate and also pay off debts we share. It’s a team effort both ways.
  3. I spend more on the credit card than she does, but I’m the one paying it off.

If you mostly answered 1): 1 point

If you mostly answered 2): 3 points

If you mostly answered 3): 2 points

Section 4: Romance (5 Questions)

Keeping the romance alive throughout marriage is so important. You’re either constantly falling in love, or falling out of it. Which one does she contribute to?

1. How often does she tell you she loves you?

  1. At least every day. She goes out of her way to tell me that on my difficult days.
  2. All the time. It starts to seem like just something she says willy-nilly.
  3. I hear it once or twice a week, probably. Usually, it’s when we’re making love.

2. How often does she surprise you with a romantic date or gift?

  1. Probably once a month, give or take. She keeps me on my toes, and I do the same for her.
  2. Rarely, but when she does it’s very romantic.
  3. She doesn’t try to surprise me with little romantic thoughts. She probably thinks it might seem weird or random to me, and that’s kind of my thing to be in charge of.

3. Who usually initiates sex?

  1. We both do. We communicate when we’re in the mood or if it’s a good time.
  2. She usually tries to get me in the mood, and so it’s pretty much her.
  3. She expects me to. I know she won’t really try to if I’m not making moves.

4. Do you go on regular dates or outings?

  1. We have a set date night, but it’s flexible. So long as we have time together spent doing something recreational or relaxing, we count it as a mini date night.
  2. We go out sometimes, but it’s usually an afterthought when we both have free time.
  3. Going on dates isn’t a regular thing. Usually, it falls around birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, etc. Most of the time we just have our routine.

5. Does your wife like to get dressed up just for you?

  1. She knows what I like or certain makeup things I find sexy, and she incorporates them into her style so she knows I notice. She dresses up because she wants to, though.
  2. She mainly wears colors she thinks I like the most. Her wardrobe doesn’t change much.
  3. She doesn’t really ask for my opinions about her fashion and tends to wear whatever she wants, whenever she wants. She rarely looks dressed up if it’s just the two of us.

If you mostly answered 1): 3 points

If you mostly answered 2): 2 points

If you mainly answered 3): 1 point

Section 5: Compromise (1 Question)

When disagreements arise in marriage, it’s sometimes easy to forget how to look past our own desires and recognize a way to compromise. However, if your wife is good at it and you put in some effort, as well, you’ll find you both compromise well. Here are some general things to consider:

1. When she wants to buy something and I don’t, we usually:

  1. Have a little argument about it. She ends up buying it and we move on.
  2. Discuss both of our stances. Sometimes she buys it, and sometimes we decide not to or we buy something similar or cheaper.
  3. Talk about it. She doesn’t buy it because I tell her no. She’s not usually too bothered.

If you answered 1): 1

If you answered 2): 3

If you answered 3): 2

Section 6: Thoughtfulness (1 Question)

Being thoughtful is important in order to show love and care for those who are close to us. If your wife is going out of her way to make you happy in ways you don’t expect, she’s a good one.

1. Does you wife say or do things that make you realize she is putting thought into how she can improve your relationship?

  1. She doesn’t seem to remember which movies, music, or food I prefer and is sometimes just forgetful.
  2. I’m frequently surprised by the little things she remembers me mentioning in the past.
  3. I notice when she is making an effort to put thought into the relationship, but we have a routine and it doesn’t really need messed with.

If you selected 1): 1

If you selected 2): 3

If your selection was 3): 2

Section 7: Respect (3 Questions)

Respect and love go hand in hand. If you’re wondering how respect can be identified, here are a couple of questions to consider:

1. Do you feel like you and your wife are always talking over one another?

  1. My wife and I usually take turns discussing what we think and apologize if we ever interrupt each other.
  2. I feel like I’m not usually heard in a discussion and especially in arguments, and she may feel the same way.
  3. We listen to one another and sometimes interrupt. It really depends on the conversation and moment.

2. Do you feel like your wife talks with other people about the problems you’re both facing without asking for permission?

  1. She regularly checks in with me to make sure we’re on the same page before discussing our private life with anyone else we’re close to.
  2. We both talk to whomever we feel will understand our situation without really asking the other of we should do so.
  3. Sometimes she talks a little openly with her best friend or her mother about things that don’t really concern them, but I do the same with my family.

3. How often do you feel like she’s not willing to take what you’re trying to say seriously?

  1. She usually knows when I’m being serious and will respect what I’m asking for or talking about without blowing me off.
  2. I sometimes wonder if she is listening to what I’m saying at all, and I can’t seem to get the message across.
  3. Sometimes she’s in a goofy mood and doesn’t pay much attention to the weight of what I’m saying, while other times she is very attentive.

If you answered mostly 1): 3

If you answered mostly 2): 1

If you answered mostly 3): 2

Your scores:


Great wife. You have a wonderful wife who is trying her best to make your relationship as perfect as Earth will allow. If you put in a lot of effort, as well, you’re looking at a fairy tale ending and can expect a bright future with your Mrs.


Chill wife. Your wife is practically perfect, with a few minor miscommunications now and then which make life interesting. Consider it her way of keeping you on your toes.


Good wife. Your beautiful bride is pretty wonderful, even if you don’t always see eye to eye. Whether you’re in agreement or not, you can know you’ve still in love.


Learning wife. You and your wife have some things to work through before you can see that beautiful, golden relationship you want, and you need to discuss goals and ideas about this with your beloved spouse.

Marriage is a beautiful thing, but it’s not without bumps in the road. If you feel like you and your wife (or you as a wife) need to figure out how best to show respect, grow trust, and improve communication or respect, you may want to speak with others or learn from their experience.

Looking for an online dating help chatroom? Here’s a link to a free online chatroom where you might find some direction in how you can improve your relationship with your spouse.