Things to avoid at all costs

Online dating is without a doubt something completely different than conventional dating. Using online chat rooms to communicate with your crush is nothing like sitting in front of him and talking face to face. Of course, that doesn’t mean that it’s a bad thing – just on the contrary, online chatting reveals a wide array of convenient benefits which are unheard of in conventional dating. However, this also doesn’t mean that it’s so easy. There are some considerations that you need to account for and things that you should absolutely avoid.

With this in mind, we’ve taken the liberty to prepare a concise list of the most obnoxious things that you must absolutely stay away from and avoid when using an online chat room. So, without any further ado, let’s jump right ahead and take a look.

Use abbreviations

Now, unless you are 13 years old, using abbreviations is definitely something that you might want to avoid. You might think that it makes you look modern and in touch with the current trends but guess what – abbreviations are no longer, nor have they ever been actually trendy. With this in mind, using words such as “btw, k, ofc, np, ttyl” and all other popular abbreviations are only going to make you appear less mature.

In fact, the growing tendency is that people throughout different chat rooms begin to write as correctly as it’s possible. This is going to make you appear as literate, intelligent and as a whole someone who should be taken seriously.

The excessive usage of smiley faces

Unless you are literally rolling on the floor laughing at the joke that the person across just told you, there is no need for a dozen of smiley faces and a few more clapping hands at the same time. This is as annoying as the excessive usage of abbreviations and it’s going to make you appear 13 at most. Use the convenient emote icon whenever it’s needed but don’t go too far and keep things in check.

Don’t be funny on purpose

Of course, being smart and funny is something that is going to work in your favor but you need to ensure that you are doing so as the conversation flows naturally. The opposite is going to make you look like a try-hard and that’s never good. Regardless of whether you are trying to kick it off with a person through the web or in real life, trying too hard is never perceived well. Instead, you need to be casual and just let the chips fall where they may.

As it is with conventional dating and face to face conversations, participating in an online chat room is also quite challenging. These are just some of the things that you might want to take into account when it comes to it. In general, you need to ensure that you are a pleasant conversational partner and that you keep the interest in the chat. This is going to quickly break the ice between you and you can quickly get to know the person on the other side.