There are some ugly truths about chatting that you should be aware of. Despite being surrounded by people all day, it can still be difficult to meet that certain someone”. However, we live in a digital age and have the ability to meet people online.
There are countless websites and apps available to use if you are looking to meet someone. Many of these sites and apps are free to use although some do charge a fee. They are easy to use and it is simple to set up your profile and begin looking through other profiles.
Once someone’s profile catches your eye, let the chatting begin! Seems pretty straightforward, right? Not exactly. There are many things to be cautious of when chatting online and there are in fact many ugly truths about chatting.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the ugly truths about chatting online.
1. He looks fabulous in his profile picture!
Let’s start with an obvious ugly truth. That profile picture that he is displaying may not be him exactly. It is possible that is a picture of him from years ago when he was fit from hitting the gym 6 days a week. If you are meeting him at a local bar don’t be surprised to see a few extra pounds and possibly less hair.
To be fair, most people want to make a great impression and put their best self out there. However, this little “white” lie turns in to quite a shocker when you meet in person.
2. Does she really know that famous person?
People like to name drop because they think it makes them more worldly or approachable. The ugly truth is, name dropping is a desperate attempt to make yourself seem like someone you really aren’t.
Not everyone who looks for dates online is looking for someone who travels in a certain social circle. You may think you are impressing others by saying you know someone famous, when the reality is you were only at the same concert, restaurant opening, product launch, etc.
Be yourself online and let people like you for yourself. If they only like you for who you know, are they really worth it anyway?
3. He makes how much a year?

He (or she) writes in his profile that he has a big title at work with the salary to match it. This is such an easy ugly truth to put out there in an online chat room! And you may be so impressed!
What would not be impressive or appreciated at all is to meet up for drinks and finding out you have to foot the tab.
When someone is filling out a profile for an online chat room, it is very easy to embellish your real life. There is a certain false sense of security that goes along with the anonymity. But beware, this lie can become an ugly truth when you meet up in person.
4. That “single” person isn’t really so single.
Again, it is so easy for someone to create an online presence and you have no way to check them on it. A pretty ugly truth may actually be their real-life relationship status.
While you would hope that most people are joining online chat rooms for the right reasons, some may not be.
If someone is having trouble in their current relationship, they may be looking for some type of escape. It is very easy for someone to lie about being single. In truth they may be having trouble at home.
5. This person is really only looking for sex.
While many people turn to online chat rooms with the legitimate hope of connecting with someone, there are those who are only looking for one thing. Sex.
It is an ugly truth about chatting that there are men and women who are simply looking to hook up for the weekend. They are not interested in any kind of relationship. These people tend to use online chat rooms as their personal “shopping” space.
If this is what you are looking for too, then that’s fine. Consenting adults are free to do as they wish. However, if you are truly looking to find a date and possibly a romantic match in an online chat room it can be difficult to figure out someone’s true intentions.
Lying on a profile is very easy to do.
6. Her sizes are not quite what they appear to be.
To be fair, women can and do fudge their pictures for their profile as well. They might seem to be in shape, busty, curvy, skinnier, or blonde, brunette or red. The fact is that women come in all sizes shapes, and colors. But due to outside pressures may feel the need to look a certain way.
It may come as a surprise to you when you meet her in person that she doesn’t look exactly like her picture.
7. He or she might be looking for an easy mark
This is a very ugly truth about chatting online. Some people are simply looking for victims. This is why you should keep personal info private until you know someone well enough.
It is not unheard of for someone to come home from work or a night out ad find that they their house or apartment was broken into and they were robbed. Or that someone shows up at your place of business and harasses you.
8. Radio silence
Perhaps you finally see someone online that interests you. You send them a message. And then…. nothing. They never respond. Not even a polite “thanks, but no thanks.”
It can be frustrating but the ugly truth is that sometimes people may not get back to you.
It is possible that they are no longer active with the site and forgot to take their profile down, maybe they met someone already, maybe they aren’t interested in you, maybe they are busy with work…. the list of reasons is endless. And you find yourself back at square one.
9. They may not be medically clean.
This is a major ugly truth. If after a great meetup you both decide to engage in some adult fun, you need to be sure of this person’s sex history and if they have a clean bill of health. This is after all, crucial to your own health and wellbeing.
If people lie about the jobs and profile pictures, why wouldn’t they do the same with this info?
10. Do they really live in that gorgeous penthouse?
You have been chatting back and forth with someone who seems great! They seem to be telling you everything you want to hear. They might even casually drop the name of a gorgeous new condo complex or neighborhood. Wow!
But do they really live there? It is very possible that they do not. In some cases, people will fib about where they actually dwell. This is an ugly to online chatting. It is very easy to exaggerate where you live. You will find out soon enough though when this person goes to take you home…only to head straight to the parents’ basement.
11. Hoping the formula got it right!
Ok. This is something that is a huge factor when online chatting and looking for dates.
The basic premise behind some sites is that you put in your info and then the algorithms and formulas figure out your best possible matches. Sounds great!
Not so fast. One of the ugly truths about chatting is that since people lie, fib and fudge on their profile, the results are most likely skewed. The ugly truth here is that your perfect match may not be so perfect if you or anybody else was not exactly truthful on your profile.
12. Too many choices…..
The fact is that meeting people in real can be difficult. This is the beauty of online dating sites. You simply log in and hopefully scroll around and find someone who catches your interest.
The ugly truth here is that there are so many choices online. With so many users online, it can be very overwhelming when one is looking to chat with someone.
The ugly truth is that with so many choices, the experience can be overwhelming. This leads people to be able to find someone. It may be too much of a bother.
13. Is he or she really it?
Let us be perfectly candid here. When we set up our profile and start the online game, we start to focus more on “who else” may be interested in us, than the person in front of us.
The ugly truth here is that it is very easy for us to think about who else might be interested in us, and we forget to focus on the person in front of us. In this day and age of instant gratification and FOMO, we need to make sure we are not missing what is right in front of us.
We need to learn to appreciate what or who is with us right now, instead of worrying if we are missing something else.
14. We become conceited.
Everyone likes to be popular. I think its human nature to be liked. However, when we start to worry more about how many “likes” we have, then we have a problem.
The ugly truth about chatting online is this: it’s a rush to see how many likes or comments your profile may have. And then we very quickly lose sight of the very reason why we signed up in the first place.
15. It is easy to be cruel.
Honestly, hiding behind a keyboard makes it easier to say things you shouldn’t. Or wouldn’t if you were face to face.
The ugly truths about chatting online are that we tend to forget that there is a real person with real feelings behind that profile. If you don’t like their looks, their pet, their politics. That shirt…there is no need to say it. Simply move on.
It is easy to be hurtful online, but we don’t know the lasting consequences our words may have on someone. Think about how you would feel. Then act accordingly.
Meeting people can be tricky and hard. Luckily online chatting is there to help! There are so many sites and apps that you can use and download that should make it easier to find someone you are compatible with.
There are, however, many ugly truths about chatting.
People can and do lie on their profile. It is very possible that someone does not have a job in that corner office with the salary to go along with it. It is possible that someone lives in their parents’ basement, instead of the rooftop penthouse.
It would be a good and prudent idea to not give out your personal info too quickly. You do not know someone’s intentions well enough after chatting online to give them your home or work address. You really still are virtual strangers.
Still other people may lie about their sexual history and medical checkups. This is extremely crucial for your well being and health. You need to absolutely sure that what you are being told is the truth. If they lie on their profile, they will lie about this.
Online chatting can be an enjoyable experience, as long as you have your eyes wide open for those ugly truths about chatting.