How to create the “adorable guy profile”

If someone told you that impressing a girl through an online chat room or a dating website is easy he most certainly lied to you or has never done it himself. Even though it’s not as hard as you might believe, it’s definitely challenging. However, there are quite a lot of benefits. The first thing that you might want to take into account is the fact that you can rig the game. You can make everything work to your advantage.

When it comes to it, one of the most important things which are going to determine your success or condemn your failure is without a doubt your overall dating profile. With this in mind, it is in your best interest to create a profile worthy of the most adorable guy on the internet. We’ve taken it upon ourselves to provide you with the necessary tips and tricks on how to do that. Here are the do’s and don’ts that you need to be aware of.

Things to consider

  • Get rid of all nudity content if there is some. A lot of dating websites might actually incentivize you to upload pictures which are revealing a bit too much. If you want to create the profile of a guy who’s not looking for a one night stand these pictures have to go away.
  • Involve your friends. You want to be perceived as an outgoing and friendly person who likes to spend time with his friends. Of course, you don’t need to write about it. Upload interesting pictures from uncharacteristic things that you did with your friends and let them speak for themselves.
  • Post where she posts and comment where she comments. Using a dating website is also a chasing game. You need to get her attention prior to approaching her in order to avoid looking like a creep. With this in mind, take advantage of her activity log and post humorous and witty comments when she does too – this is definitely capable of impressing her considerably.

Things to avoid

  • Do not post Photo shopped pictures. Sure, Photoshop is a great tool which can help you tweak your imperfections a bit but you shouldn’t get too comfortable using it. Keep in mind that your ultimate goal is to go out on a date and by re-hashing every single picture that you upload you might actually create a rather false image of yourself. This is going to play you a bad joke when the time comes to go out on an actual date.
  • Don’t get involved in uploaded pictures in which you are looking inappropriate. Maybe some of your friends are using the same website. Kindly ask them not to include you in pictures which are somewhat shameful or way too out of the box. This is something that’s capable of conveying the wrong message and you need to be careful about it.

As you can see, there are quite a few things that you may want to take into account when you are creating the perfect profile image. Make sure that everything you include is authentic. This doesn’t mean that you can’t rig the game. You can stack all the information in a way which conveys the message that you want to even if some pictures are out of context and things of the kind. Just make sure that your profile speaks volumes. After all, it’s going to make the first impression which is tremendously crucial and very important. It is your responsibility to make it polished and perfectly taken care of.