What to ask on a first date

What to Ask on a First Date; The Door to Conversation

What to ask on a first date is absolutely essential. You have finally made a date with that person you have been eyeing every day at lunch. The day is quickly approaching. You have all of your stuff ready and are starting to feel the first signs of nervousness. You give yourself a pep talk and are excited about the approaching date. Then it hits you. What will we talk about? Asking the right questions on the first date will guide your future dates. Sorry, now you are even more stressed.

Don’t let panic set in, it will be okay and so will you. Here to help you along the way and keep that conversation flowing is a list of what to ask on a first date. Any or all of these questions are sure to keep the conversation flowing and open your date up to new topics as well. Just work them in when they fit and let them carry the conversation for you.

What Are Your Hobbies

When you are on a first date it is important to ask questions about hobbies. This should include whether they prefer indoor or outdoor activities. This is a key question, whether you are stuck in a fit of silence or just want to know. By asking about their hobbies not only are you finding out what they like but you will also be getting great ideas for date number two. I know, you haven’t made it through the first date, but you always need to think ahead.

For example, if they tell you they like the outdoors and bike riding, you could suggest getting together for a ride during the week or next weekend. With one question you have valuable information and a second date planned. How much easier could it be?

Are You an Animal Person and What Types

Our next question is two-fold as well. Asking what types of animals, they like will open an important subject. That of whether they have allergies to certain animals. This will be crucial if you wanted date two to be dinner at your place and they are allergic to your favorite cat. Asking in this way gets these answers out of the way without having to ask outright. Because asking people health questions on a first date can be a bit awkward.

Finding out what animals your date likes also tells you a bit about their personality. Plus, it might just allow you to find something you have in common. Who knows, maybe you both have cats at home and love the pandas at the zoo, and there you go another idea for a future date.

What Are Your Favorite and Least Favorite Foods

Asking their favorite foods or foods they dislike is a safe innocent question. Especially if your first date takes place over a meal. Again though, this question answers many more questions and keeps the conversation going for a bit. When you ask this question, you will again open the door for allergy information. Which is important for future date making decisions.

Now that you know that they love Italian, you know what to make for dinner. They don’t care for sushi though so that will eliminate your favorite restaurant. Are you seeing a pattern yet? Each of the questions so far has asked simple benign questions and answered the ones you that are really uncomfortable to ask. Plus, they give you great ideas for future plans.

Do You Travel Often

Do you travel often, will give you insight into their likes and dislikes as well. They will respond with something like “all the time for work” or “only occasionally. This tells you whether they are going to be on the road a lot or unavailable frequently. Allowing not only for future planning but this also leads to questions about what type of work they do.

Asking about someone’s work is a common question. However, it is not as easy to work into a casual conversation. By asking about travel and opening that door, you have an easy opening to ask further questions. Again, designed to keep the conversation flowing.

Who Are Your Favorite Authors and What Books Do You Like Most

Asking about favorite books and authors gives you further talking time and future ideas. You will find out if they are still a kid at heart and like the chapter books of their childhood, or they are into the comics that are timeless. With this question, you can find common ground or new ideas.  Maybe they know some authors you have never heard of. This could give you something to pass time with too. When you aren’t planning date two.

Another benefit of asking about books and authors is that it will allow you to understand the intellectual level of the other person and may open them up about school or educational aspirations. Providing more information without having to ask intruding questions.

Do You Like Art/Museums? If So Favorite Artist

This question is innocent and can be so much fun. Art brings out the passion in creative minds and even not so creative people can be lifted just talking about a work they love. Inserting a topic into your conversation that inspires creativity is always good. Plus, finding out what inspires your date works into future plans well.

If you find that your date is really into colors and art you can always suggest a second date involving something creative. Or in between dates you can invite them to join you on a site like Colourlovers.com, and you can create beautiful artwork together. This is a fun way to connect with each other between dates. And who knows what you might create together.

What City Would You Like to Live In

Asking what city, they would like to live in allows you to find out if they are happy in their current job, location, and more. You will also encourage them to talk about the future and their plans for it. Asking questions that lead in many different directions ensures that you will not be lacking for topics and discussion during this first date.

This question also makes the other person see your level of interest in them. Because of the multitude of follow-up question invoked with this one simple question, you will be able to find out personal facts about your date. Just a few things will be the type of work they do, if they aspire to go back to school, if they are close to their family, and so much more. With one loaded question you can keep the conversation flowing all night.

Do You Like Computer Games or Console Games

In a tech-savvy world, the next question to make our list of what to ask on a first date will go a long way. Not only do we live in a world where everything is tied to some type of technology, but we also live in one that is constantly looking to have fun. Enter electronic games. Keep in mind though, most people are either or when it comes to computer/console games. Then you will find the occasional both people. But not as often.

If your date likes computer games, try finding one you can play together. Maybe your next date could include a turn on the laptop. Like the ideas for creativity, there are also many games you can play together in between dates. Classicreload.com has many retro games that you could play together. Making an extra connection is always a nice touch.

If your date is a console person, you have other options. If you have your own console you can always invite them to play. Or again there are many games that will allow you to connect online and play in between date nights. Besides, what better way to get to know the real person than by seeing how vicious they are on the battlefield?

What is Your Favorite Holiday

Asking about favorite holidays is a good way to find out what your date believes in without asking the no-no questions of first dates. This will also let you know if they still hold true to their inner child or if they have grown past childhood dreams. We all know that your inner child is what keeps life fun, so this is a good thing to know early.

Each holiday has its own meaning. Finding out what holidays are important to your date will help you discover if they share some of your same beliefs. This is not to say that you should make any decisions from this information alone, but combining all of your answers from the night will give you an idea if you will work well together moving forward.

What Type of Music Do You Listen to

This is a common question that is fitting for every person. Who doesn’t listen to music? Therefore, this is an easy question to work into any conversation. Finding out what type of music your date likes helps you to plan a romantic evening or play the right music combination while going for a drive.

Making personal selections on the second date based on the answers received on the first date also shows you were paying attention. These little details are enduring and go a long way into ensuring there will be more dates in the future. Plus, it is nice to know if your date is more relaxed and refined with classical and jazz, or more out there and loud with heavy metal and rap, or the perfect eclectic mix of them all.

What is Your Biggest Pet Peeve

What is your biggest pet peeve is a great question to get out of the way early. What if people with spinach in their teeth is a major pet peeve of your date. Wouldn’t you want to know this before you order that salad with extra greens? This is also a good way to know what things to avoid with regards to future plans.

Another benefit of knowing your dates pet peeves is for if the date isn’t turning out the way you had hoped. This would be a good way to ensure they don’t call again. Oh, wait that is for another article.

Do You Prefer Coffee or Tea

Do you prefer coffee or tea can be a conversation starter or an invitation opener. Coffee and tea are one of the staples for most people. You will find people that do not like either but it is not that common. So, this question will work for whomever your date is.

Plus, if you have had a good evening and want to extend your time together you can always invite your date to grab a coffee or cup of tea at your local coffee shop. This won’t be an option though if you don’t know what they like.

First dates are exciting if not a bit nerve-racking. Whether it is a blind date your mom set you up on or the teller at the bank you finally had the nerve to ask out, you will find conversations waning as nerves set in. Keeping this list of what to ask on the first date in mind will help keep the words flowing and interest piqued. Allowing you to enjoy your evening more and paving the way for informed second and third dates.

Keep an open mind and don’t worry if this date didn’t go so well. There are always more around the corner. If you find you haven’t had the best time, get back out there and find another date to ease the pain. Check out this site http://www.chatib.us/user/chat/ and find like-minded people to chat with. You could find your next date or just someone to vent your frustration to. Or maybe you just want to brag about how perfect your date went and tell someone your plans for next time. No matter how your date went, keep moving forward and enjoy yourself along the way.