Is Your Husband Great?

“Is Your Husband Great” – The Ultimate Test

Every woman likes to believe that her husband is the greatest and let’s face it, most think he is. No matter how long you have been married, you always try to show how wonderful your husband treats you and the great things he does. It can even become a competition on girl’s nights. This is the reason for this post. The ultimate “is your husband great” test. So you can prove that yours is the greatest hands down. Will your relationship hold up? Let’s find out.

What Was the Last Gift your Husband Gave You?

It is said that the gift is not important, it is the thought that counts. Well, you discovered a long time ago that was a lie. Just think about that sweater sitting in the back of your closet, knitted with love by your aunt. So, what was the last gift your husband gave you? Was it an appliance for the kitchen or a pair of earrings? Gifts are telling as to the comfort level a couple has with each other.

While many women would say that a blender is not a proper gift from a husband, it really depends on why he gave it to you. Maybe he has watched you struggle with making your favorite food by hand and knows that a blender would make your life easier. Others say jewelry is a wonderful gift to receive from your spouse. What does it signify though? Is he trying to show what you mean to him or is he making up for something?

While any gift would normally cause pleasure from a wife. The important thing to remember is each gift has a time and a reason. So what was his reason for the one he gave you?  If it was as with the blender and he truly thought he was helping you, then you have a husband who wants to protect and care for you. However, if it is jewelry to apologize, you might need to work on your relationship a bit.

What is His Idea of a Date Night?

Gift giving aside, let’s discuss date nights. What is your husband’s idea of a date night? Does he make reservations at the fancy French restaurant you have been begging him to take you to, or is he more of a drive-thru and eating in the car kind of guy? Choosing the French restaurant would mean that he is in tune with your desires and values them. Hitting the drive-thru would say that he does value your desires quite as much as he values his own.

Now if you are the kind of girl who likes drive-thru meals and spending alone time anywhere you can manage, then hitting the drive-thru would mean he understands you and is comfortable with your relationship. So, what is your idea of a date night?

Does He Accept You the Way You Are?

Does your husband accept you the way you are? This is a tough question. After all, you are already married so he must accept you, right? Not necessarily. You need to look at his actions and reactions to you. Does he accept your choice of friends? Does he like the way you dress?

Think about these questions a bit. While your husband may compliment your dress when you go out, does he complain about other things you wear when not going out? Does he tell you that you should look a certain way all the time or that you should wear make-up every day? Or to the contrary does he not care what you wear or if you ever wear make-up? Does he criticize your choice of friends or activities or is he supportive of the way you choose to spend your time?

Is He Spontaneous?

Is your husband spontaneous? Does he do little things out of the blue to show you he cares? Does he just get in the car and drive to the beach so he can see the wind blow through your hair? Or is he the type to plan everything you guys do together? Putting things off until the perfect time. Making sure schedules mesh to be able to make the trip to the beach and watching the weather to know that it won’t rain.

While either of these is great it is important to have a balance between the two. Spontaneity can be romantic and enduring. It can also be annoying when plans are suddenly changed on a whim. The same is true for planning and having to wait until schedules dictate for you to have an adventure together. They say variety is the spice of life and this is so true when it comes to spontaneity and planning in a relationship.

You can help implement the combination of the two into your daily lives. Send a daily message saying something sweet and see if it catches on. While this is a planned event it will be made spontaneous by the reaction of the other. With the addition of emoticons, it is easy to add a small gesture of love with just the push of a button. Here are some emoticons especially made to inspire these messages of affection and love These small symbols can be a planned spontaneity that helps your husband maintain that great status.

Does He Understand Your Likes and Dislikes?

Does your husband know what you like to do, eat, what flowers are your favorites? In turn, does he also know what you dislike? Maybe his feet on the coffee table in the living room or dirty clothes left on the bedroom floor. Does he know what bothers you and what makes you happy?

If you answered yes to one or both of those the next question to ask is does he respect your likes and dislikes? In other words, does he buy you your favorite chocolates to show he was thinking about you? Maybe he takes the time to dry off the counter after brushing his teeth because he knows it bothers you when it is wet. These are the little things that make the difference between a good husband and a great one.

If you answered yes to the first part of this question and no to the second, it may be time to sit down and discuss this issue with your spouse. Talking about issues like this will help both of you to understand each other’s needs and desires. If you answered yes to both questions you are well on your way to having a great husband. One any women would be pleased to call her own.

Does He Help Around the House?

This question is going to be number one with all of your friends. Does your husband help around the house? This does not mean he goes to work and you clean the house. While this is helping to maintain the home it is not helping with the everyday running or cleaning of the house. So, what do you do and what does he do? Does he sit on the couch while you cook or is he in the kitchen helping you cook? Does he know where the laundry room is or does he throw that last load in to wash so you can take a hot bath?

Just as working outside the home should be a joint effort, so too should cleaning the house and cooking the meals. This is not to say that if your husband works and you stay at home with your children that you should do all of the cooking and cleaning either. Let’s face it, taking care of children and running a home daily is a job just as important as going to an office and bringing home a paycheck. Your home would not exist without either one.

Do You Do Things Together?

Do you and your spouse do things together? This does not include the daily things like eating dinner or watching television. Do you play games or go running together? Do you like the same things and have similar interests? Besides each other that is. Are these things that you both liked to begin with or that you have grown to like together?

If you answered yes to this you are lucky to have a great husband who likes to do things with you. If you answered no then maybe it is time to find some things you can do together. Playing games can be a great way to build interest together. Sites like and can be a great way to find similar interests. Whether it is games you are looking for or designs and patterns you agree on. Visiting sites like these can help the two of you find common ground to build on and enhance your relationship. Pushing your husband ever closer to that coveted great status.

Does He Show He Loves You?

The final question in this, is your husband great test, is does he show you he loves you? Not does your husband say he loves you. Does he show you he loves you with actions? Does he bring you flowers for no reason? Does he call you just to say he is thinking about you? What does he do to show you daily that he loves you?

Saying I love you is easy. People have become accustomed to saying these three words like a recording. It is important that these words are backed up with actions to give them meaning. Saying you are going to clean the house does not make it clean. Saying I love you without putting in the effort does not make it so. So again, does your husband show he loves you?


So how did your husband stack up? Did he maintain the great status you have professed at all of your girl’s nights? Want to compare scores with other women who have taken the same quiz. Join the chat at: ( and see what others have to say about their scores. If your scores weren’t so great you might be able to find some tips from other wives whose husbands already hold the great card. Working with like-minded people to reach a common goal or just giving you an ear when you need to talk about it. 


No matter what your answers were to any of these questions, the ultimate factor in whether your husband is great or not is you. What do you think? How do you feel? If you like your husband just the way he is then that means he is great, for you. He does not have to be great for anyone else. He is your husband, not theirs. This is not to say that your relationship is perfect, you can still focus on the issues you have discovered with this test to improve your relationship. Maybe you choose to chat with your new chatroom friends and find common ground to work on. Having support from someone in the same situation is beneficial for all involved.

No marriage is perfect. What matters is that you work together to make it the best it can be. If you want to have some real fun ask yourself the same questions about yourself. Or ask your spouse the questions about you. Marriage is a two-way street and it takes substantial work from both sides to achieve a successful relationship. What you choose to take away from this test will be what you gain from it as well. The take away should be that if you think your husband is great then he is. If he is great to you then enjoy what you have and let everyone else be jealous of what you have.

Don’t look for perfection in an imperfect world. Look for happiness and compromise in a world you make perfectly yours. This is the greatest test of your husband’s greatness level and yours as well.