So, you have been with your girlfriend for a few days or maybe a few months, perhaps you’ve been together even longer. But things have shifted and you are ready to move on. Are there really any easy ways to break up with your girlfriend? Luckily, you have stumbled upon this guide of the top 10 easiest ways to breakup with your girlfriend.
There are easy ways to break up with your girlfriend. But before you do, it will help to keep a few things in mind. You might want to keep her feelings and personality in mind. Everyone is unique and will react differently in stressful or emotional situations.
If you want to make your breakup easy and as drama-free as possible you will keep these reminders in the back of your head as you proceed.
Let’s take a look at 10 easy ways to break up with your girlfriend.
1. Face to face
While a face to face breakup might not be the easiest way to move on, it will be a way that your soon to be ex-girlfriend will appreciate. Girls do tend to read into things guys do – a lot! If you sit down with her face to face and let her down gently, she will certainly get the message.
The trick here is to brace yourself for the inevitable tears. To be honest, you might feel a little upset too. However, she will appreciate the fact that you talked to her and let her know why it was over. She may even want to know why you are breaking up with her. Be prepared for this answer….and be prepared to give her a chivalrous answer.
2. Let your thumbs do the talking
Maybe you are super busy. Maybe she is always out with her friends. If you are having trouble lining up your schedules, an easy way to breakup with your girlfriend is by shooting her a text.
Text messaging has become a pretty socially acceptable way of communicating in our digital age. The beauty of sending a text message is that it is instantaneous. Send her a text in the afternoon and you are free to hit the town with the guys that night.
Before you let your thumbs do all the talking though, keep a few thoughts in mind.
Don’t send her anything cruel or unnecessary. Sometimes when we deal with life electronically, we forget there is a real person on the receiving end.
You also do not want to send anything that will come back to haunt you if she screen shots your message. Keep it short and to the point.

3. Show up with a new girl
Ok. This was is an easy way to breakup with your girlfriend. It may be the easy way out, but it is effective. Simply show up somewhere she will be with your arm around a new girl.
There is a caveat here though…. This could start a huge confrontation wherever you may be. However, it will drive home the point that you are over here and have moved on.
If your soon to be ex-girlfriend is especially clingy or not taking any subtle hints, you may have to resort to this method and make a statement.
4. Talk to her girlfriends
It is a known fact that girls stick together and talk to each other. If you are having trouble starting the conversation with your girlfriend, go talk to her friends.
I guarantee that if you go and talk to her friends and let to be known that you want out, you will have an easy way to breakup with your girlfriend. Without question her friends will be talking about it amongst themselves before you leave the building. They will be on the phone with her so quickly and the deed will be done.
You should remember though that girls can be mean, especially to each other. If your soon to be ex-girlfriend has not done anything terrible to you, keep that in mind when talking to her friends. A simple “she deserves better than me” will go along way and save her some humiliation.
5. Send her flowers
What? Follow me here…breaking up with your girlfriend is going to make you look like a heel. She will be upset with you no matter what you say. Make it better for her and somewhat easier for you and send her a nice bouquet of flowers. You can include a short note letting her know that you are moving on. She wins in this situation because she will be the envy of her office friends for getting flowers. And if she is really mad it will give her something to toss when she gets home. Win-win.
6. Social media does the talking
These days social media does so much for us. It keeps us apprised of news and let’s us know about events in our area. If you are looking for an easy way to breakup with your girlfriend, turn to the power of social media.
With just a few key strokes you can easily change your relationship status. The beauty of this method is that everyone will know it immediately. However, this method allows you to make a far-reaching statement with just a few keystrokes.
7. Don’t delay
Chances are if you aren’t feeling the relationship any more than neither is she. In this case an easy way to break up with your girlfriend is to just do it.
If you think prolonging the breakup will make it easier, you are wrong. It is best to sit her down right away and have a conversation. Your soon to be ex-girlfriend might be upset, but she will appreciate that you didn’t continue to string her along. It allows both of you to move on with your lives.
8. Set her up with a new guy
Looking for an easy way to break up with your girlfriend? Than look no further than your circle of friends.
If your soon to be ex-girlfriend is a great girl, but just doesn’t do it for you anymore, look at your friends. Is there someone you think she would hit it off with? Maybe there’s a great guy at the office who would be perfect for her?
She may not be perfect for you, but she might be perfect for one of your friends. Reach out and set them up. It will help her move on past you. And who knows? They may be telling the story of how they met to their grandchildren someday. If you don’t have a friend for her, directing her to the Singles Chat Room could be where she meets her Prince Charming!
9. Go ghost on her
Ghosting has become a phenomenon of the digital age. Basically, you just seem to disappear. You don’t answer your texts, instant messages, DM or any other means of communication. You stop hanging around shared spaces. This may mean you need to find a new coffee shop or bar.
Ghosting may not be an easy way to break up with your girlfriend because you will have to find new places to hang out and you may need to avoid your friends for a while. The idea is that hopefully she gets so mad at you that she never wants to see you again!
Ghosting might be a good way to breakup with her if you are afraid of her temper.
10. Move out
Maybe you have been together a while and now you live together. This can be tricky, but there is an easy way to break up with your girlfriend.
Pick a time when you know she will be away from your home or apartment. Have a few boxes ready and pack your stuff. Call a friend and have him come help you move your stuff from your shared home.
It’s important to not throw her out, you don’t want to be a jerk after all. And it is probably a lot easier for you to crash on a friend’s couch than it is for her.
When she gets home, she will see that you are gone. It should be a big sign.
Points To Remember About the Easiest Ways to Breakup with Your Girlfriend
Breaking up is never easy and it is rarely pleasant. You will do well to try your best to remain a gentleman. Her feelings will be hurt and you do not want to compound this by being a total jerk.
If you find yourself at that point where you want to end the relationship, do it as soon as possible. It is not fun to breakup and there is no good reason to delay it. Do yourself and your soon to be ex-girlfriend a favor and break up immediately.
If it possible, an easy way to breakup with your girlfriend is to simply sit her down and have a conversation. Be honest with her, she deserves to know why you aren’t happy in the relationship any more.