We live in a world where technology rules. People are spending less time shopping at the store, talking over the phone, and even spending less time in nature. Well, with online shopping, text messaging, and an endless world on the internet, why would we do things the old school way? The same holds true for the dating game, too.
Chat sites are changing the way we meet people, whether we are just in search of friends or something more. But why ARE chat sites the new most popular way to meet new people? Why do people love chatting online so much? There are a few different reasons, and we have come up with the top 7.

1. It’s Easy and Convenient
Much like everything else that revolves around being on the net, chatting is easy and convenient – definitely the number one reason why people love chatting. Instead of having to find new friends or lovers in the outside world, people can pull out their phones or computers and find a chat site in a matter of seconds. It’s much simpler than trying to go up and talk to someone randomly on the streets or in a bar, and in this day and age, you would probably seem like a creep if you were to do that.
Chatting online is just easy, plain and simple. We have the ability to meet new people while we’re on the go or sitting on our couch, riding on the bus or enjoying a bite to eat. With this type of convenience, it’s no wonder why chatting has become the new big thing.
Another great thing that makes chatting convenient is that there are a variety of different websites that are geared towards our specific likes and dislikes. Looking for a certain type of person, let’s say someone in their late 50s? You can find chat sites for older individuals, or use a regular chat site and change the age gap. Want to just find a chat site for people who love cars? There’s plenty of those, too!
With so many different options when it comes to online chatting websites, it’s no wonder why its convenience is drawing in more and more customers day in and day out. No longer do we need to try and find people we enjoy- they practically come right to us on the internet!
2. It’s FUN!
This one is, perhaps, the most obvious reason why people love chatting. One thing about going on a chat site online is that it is downright FUN. You get to meet a variety of different people, and all of the new information and personalities we run into along the way is a riot.
When joining a chat site, you’re bound to meet a whole lot of new people, and you never know what you will find. Maybe someone will jump out with a vivid, bright personality that has some amazing topics of conversation you never thought of people? Or perhaps you run into someone who is filled to the brink with jokes that keep you holding onto your sides all through the night.
Whoever you run into on the net, you can be sure of one thing: you will have a fun time, almost guaranteed. Meeting new people online is such an enjoyable experience, it’s no wonder why there are thousands- if not hundreds of thousands- of people enrolled on chat sites at one time. Who knows who you will run into next?
3. You Can Meet New People
The biggest reason why anyone would want to join a chat site is to meet new people; that is the goal after all, right?
Meeting new people online is far more easier than trying to meet people with common interests and likes in person. However, this is even more true for someone who is shy or suffers from some kind of anxiety when trying to talk to new people.
With chat sites offering the ability to meet new people without actually using your voice, it opens up a new realm for people in all areas of life to join together and chat. Even the shyest person you know has a shot on a chat site to find their voice. It makes it easier for them to be able to converse with people as they don’t have to stand face to face and try and come up with conversation.
Just the fact that we can chat behind our computer screen or smartphone makes it a fun and exciting way to meet new people. Not only that, but if you need a break from the conversation it won’t be as awkward as if you were having a real life chat and had to walk away briefly.
4. You Can Be Something That You’re Not (In a Good Way)
Yes, it’s true- some people abuse the internet to be someone that they’re not, and they give chat sites a bad reputation. But let’s be honest- not ALL people are bad, right?
While you can use this as a way to bring negativity to something, there’s also a great way to use the internet to ‘be something that you’re not’. No, we’re not saying you should pretend to be a 25 year old female if you’re really an older male. We’re not saying you should lie about anything. (In fact, we’re begging you NOT to do that!)
The way in which you can use the internet to be something that you’re not is by amplifying your personality further than it is. In the long run, being more confident and having a more vibrant personality can actually help you in real life. Hard to imagine, isn’t it?
Let’s take the example of someone who is shy. In person, they are probably hard to talk to because they don’t say much. It’s not that they are being rude or don’t want to talk to you, it’s just hard for them to speak up with their shy personality. But online, they don’t have to worry about face to face interactions. They can chat endlessly, as much as they want, without the fear of shyness.
Over time, having the ability to chat with people without fear can help them in the real world. This is especially true if they are meeting someone they met online, whom they know they already have good rapport. They will know that they get along with this person already, so finding things to talk about in person won’t be such a difficulty for them.
Another way to be ‘something you’re not’ online is to be more confident! This is especially true for those who have just went through something that jolted their confidence levels, such as a recent breakup and gaining a few extra pounds.
In person they might not be the most confident individual ever. But online, they can pretend to be the most confident person on planet earth. Meeting people and enjoying their company will show this person that they can be confident again and enjoy life the way that they used to, and that’s a huge blessing. This change that people can have in their personalities is a definite top reason why people love chatting.
5. Won’t Waste Your Time
Think about the last time you met someone in person. You had a short chat at the grocery store and seemed like the two of you hit it off. You talked for around 5 minutes bout the delicious looking strawberries and how great you thought her outfit was. You exchanged numbers and thought the rest was history.
Then the two of you went on a date. You went to a nice restaurant downtown so you guys could talk and enjoy some yummy food. However, five minutes into the date you ran out of things to talk about. In fact, you found at fairly quickly the two of you have virtually nothing in common and don’t get along, at all.
Now you’re stuck at the date and there’s no end in sight. In fact, it becomes one of the longest nights of your life.
How could you have avoided this monstrosity? Well, one way to ensure you won’t waste your time on a date that leads to frustration and annoyance (and money NOT well spent) is by meeting someone in a chat room and making sure you get along and have tons in common before the date. This is definitely one of the top reasons why people love chatting online.
Chat sites allow you to meet new people constantly. Some of these people will go as quickly as they come, but some you will notice you have quite a lot in common. They are the ones that you chat with frequently and can’t seem to get enough of. And after a few weeks or months, if the conversations still exciting, you can rest assured the date in person won’t be a borefest.
That’s just another reason why people love chatting online: they can get to know someone before actually meeting them, which means they no longer have to worry about wasting their time and energy on a date that ends sour.
6. Don’t Struggle with Meeting Someone the ‘Old School’ Way
Perhaps one of the biggest reasons why people love chatting is that they don’t have to suffer through the old school way of meeting someone new. After all, could you imagine having to try and meet someone in person now that there’s the internet?
For most of us, meeting someone in person sounds like a chore. How do you even approach someone nowadays? And even if you did find the courage to walk up to someone and strike up a conversation, they are probably too busy looking at their phones (and probably chatting on a chat site instead of paying attention to you).
Not only is it insanely awkward to try and meet someone the old school way, but in this day and age it’s a weird thing to do. You never see random people striking up conversations anymore, and most of the time people will be creeped out if you single them out to chat with them.
Online, however, everything’s different. We can pick and choose who we want to talk to and there is no awkwardness involved. If they don’t want to chat with you, they simply won’t respond. But if they do reply and the two of you hit it off, it could be a recipe for success (and possibly a sign of great things to come).
7. You Can Fall in Love
We all know the saying ‘love at first sight’. But what about love at first message? It is possible that someone can actually fall in love with someone over the internet, without actually meeting them face to face? Researchers and love birds alike are saying yes, and there’s really a simple reason why.
Think about it: when you are just chatting with someone online, you don’t know what they look like (unless they have a picture). You are getting to know them. You are discovering the person they are on the inside. You’re getting to know their personality, their likes and dislikes, their quirkiness, and all the unique things that make them, them.
By diminishing the importance of appearance, you can fall in love with someone’s personality before judging them based solely on how they look. After all, I am sure we have all been in situations where we thought we loved someone just because they looked good, only to find out we despise their personality.
Chatting online with someone means you get to know them deeply as you chat for hours on end. And by finding out who they really are, you can decide, without actually meeting them face to face, whether you like them or not. And yes, that ‘like’ can quickly turn into ‘love’ if you’re not careful!
Out with the old way of doing things, and in with the new! There’s truly an overabundance of reasons why people love chatting online! It’s easy and convenient, allowing us to meet new people in a matter of seconds, and we can enjoy these human beings from the comfort of our homes. By discovering all these new personalities, it’s a cinch to find friends or even lovers, without worrying about being too shy or boring.