Is Your Boyfriend Great

“Is Your Boyfriend Great” – The Ultimate Test

It’s nice to know you have someone always there for you. Someone who will drop everything and help you when the situation calls for it. Especially someone who will love you and treat you right.

And now the real question: is your boyfriend someone like that? If so, you may be taking this quiz next. 😉

If you’re looking for the ultimate test to find out whether your boyfriend is great or not, you’re in the right place. Whether it’s a new relationship just budding or an ongoing relationship of four years, you can learn a thing or two about your boyfriend from the following questions.


Many insist that chivalry is dead. However, some men can prove that wrong. If you’re wondering if your boyfriend is the chivalrous type, read on!

#1 My boyfriend opens doors for me regularly.

  1. True
  2. False

#2 When other men are being dumb or lewd, he won’t let them poke fun at me and definitely won’t join in.

  1. True
  2. False

#3 When I’m carrying a lot, my boyfriend at least offers to take stuff from me to help out.

  1. True
  2. False

#4 If we go on walks, my boyfriend walks closer to the road with me on the outer side.

  1. True
  2. False

#5 My boyfriend doesn’t say anything that makes me feel stupid (i.e., “that’s stupid”).

  1. True
  2. False

If you answered mostly true, you have 5 points so far. If you mainly answered false, you have 0.

What this means: If you mostly selected true, then your boyfriend is conscious of behaving like a gentleman and doesn’t like when other men are not being chivalrous. If you mostly went with false, your boyfriend might not understand the importance of chivalry to women and you may need to let him know you expect a little more.


Not every girl wants a manly-man. After all, it’s fun to do face masks with your boyfriend. Whatever the case, it’s nice to know where your boyfriend stands on certain issues.

#1 Do you often feel like you’re the most assertive one in the relationship?

  1. I’m always the one to deal with customer service or pushy salesmen because my boyfriend is more softspoken.
  2. We can handle situations equally well if it’s necessary to be assertive.
  3. My boyfriend takes my order back if they got something wrong and has them fix it for me. He likes to make sure he gets what he’s paying for.

#2 Is your boyfriend a fan of face masks and bath bombs?

  1. He loves both. I think he spends more on self-care than I do.
  2. He’ll use a face mask with me if I ask him to, and he doesn’t mind a bath soak.
  3. He thinks face masks are for girls and bath bombs are kinda girly. He’s never used either.

#3 Does your boyfriend enjoy going shopping with you?

  1. My boyfriend loves malls and shopping. It could be for clothes or anything, really.
  2. He will go shopping with me if I ask him to, and he likes giving me feedback on what I’m trying on. He notices any new clothes I buy.
  3. He hates shopping. It’s like trying to wash a cat, and he prefers I go alone.

#4 Does your boyfriend enjoy dancing?

  1. He’s a dancing expert. He likes to freestyle and really likes to tango.
  2. He loves dancing with me and will learn new steps if he needs to. He wouldn’t go out dancing of his own accord.
  3. I can’t get this man to dance. He thinks he has two left feet, but I have no idea since he won’t let me dance with him.

#5 When you listen to music, does your boyfriend sing along?

  1. He sings along the entire time and tries his best to hit all the falsetto notes he can. He’s a huge follower of celebrities and has several crushes on singers.
  2. He’ll sing along from time to time, especially if it’s in the genre he loves.
  3. I’ve never really heard him sing, and he doesn’t blare music while driving.

If you answered mostly 1): You get 1 point

If you answered mostly 2): You get 3 points

If you mainly selected 3): Give yourself 2 points

What this means: If you got 3 points, your man is secure in his masculinity and can branch out for the woman he loves. If you got 2 points, your boyfriend is a little stiff and set in his ways, and might not understand that women love a man who will dance with them. If you answered 1, you’re dating a man who is very in touch with his feminine side and isn’t afraid to show it and who’s more cute than manly.

Romantic Gestures

Sometimes romantic gestures are overrated, but usually, they’re actually worth the hype. To find out if your boyfriend has a touch of romantic tendency, here are some good quick thoughts.

#1 Your boyfriend regularly buys you little presents and tokens of affection (whether they are pearl earrings, Oreos, or tickets to the new movie you’ve been dying to see).

  1. True
  2. False

#2 You know you can expect something along the lines of “You look beautiful today” from your man every day, even when you’re in sweats and have no makeup on.

  1. True
  2. False

#3 Your boyfriend as at least asked what your favorite flowers are, if not made an effort to get those flowers for you.

  1. True
  2. False

#4 Sometimes your boyfriend will wrap you up in a big hug and kiss you speechless.

  1. True
  2. False

#5 He takes the time to plan out some dates in advance and doesn’t just expect to binge watch Netflix every night.

  1. True
  2. False

If you mostly answered true, give yourself 5 points! If you generally selected false, 0.

What this means: If you mostly went with true, your boyfriend is at least making an effort to romantically impress the woman he loves. If you mostly answered false, he may not know you like traditionally romantic gestures, or he might be a very practical man.


Feeling safe and secure is a sort of lifeblood to relationships. If you can’t trust someone, how far can it really go? Whether you feel safe with your man can be determined in lots of ways.

#1 Do you feel like you can talk about anything and everything with him?

  1. He and I talk about everything. I’m never embarrassed or worries he will judge me.
  2. Sometimes I keep some things from him. He doesn’t need to know extremely personal details about my health or life.
  3. We don’t talk about things that would approach anything awkward or unsure. He and I generally stick to the same topics and keep it light.

#2 When you’re in the middle of a difficult day, do you ever think “It’ll be better when I’m with him”?

  1. I think about him all the time, and even as I’m getting frustrated I know he will help me feel better later.
  2. I never think about it in the moment, but after I’ve been with him for a while I do end up feeling better. It’s just so nice to talk about any frustrations I’ve come across with him.
  3. He and I usually share little difficulties we’ve experienced throughout the day as an afterthought. I can deal with my own problems and make myself feel better.

#3 Do you ever feel unsafe while he is driving?

  1. My boyfriend is a defensive driver and is especially good at obeying traffic laws while I’m in the vehicle with him.
  2. He drives fine, and I have yet to feel like I’ve had a near-death experience riding in his car.
  3. I usually feel uneasy when he offers to drive me places, because I know he’ll take turns a little too fast and hit the brakes a little too hard.

#4 Do you worry that he’s telling your private business to others who don’t need to know?

  1. He is very respectful about the information I’ve confided in him.
  2. He sometimes says things to others that I wish he would’ve run past me first, but usually, he knows what subjects are sensitive to me which he shouldn’t share with others.
  3. I avoid telling him things I know he’d probably share with his bros or family. I don’t think he means to have a looser tongue, but I still don’t want them knowing everything about me.

#5 Do you feel like he respects your body and the standards you set?

  1. He knows what I will and won’t tolerate, and never tries to push lines or go further than what I’m comfortable with. I know I can trust him physically.
  2. Sometimes I have to remind him to watch his hands.
  3. He frequently tries to pressure me into doing things I’m not ready for, or which I think are silly. I find myself occasionally feeling violated by his lackadaisical treatment.

If you mostly answered 1): 3 points

Mostly 2): 2 points

Mostly a selection of 3): 1 point

What this means: If you ended with 3, your man makes you feel safe. You trust him more than you might realize. If you got 2, you are still establishing trust in him, although he’s still a safe place for you. Ending with 1 may mean you don’t feel safe with your boyfriend, or that you guys are on very different pages and need to communicate what makes you uncomfortable or cautious.


This one is key. Clear and concise communication makes many things successful, including relationships. Practice examining the following examples in your life.

#1 I feel like my boyfriend actively listens to what I’m saying and gives feedback.

  1. True
  2. False

#2 My boyfriend puts his phone down when I’m talking to him and isn’t constantly recording me on social media.

  1. True
  2. False

#3 He seriously makes me laugh more than almost anyone else I know. He knows how to cheer me up.

  1. True
  2. False

#4 Sometimes I think my boyfriend reads my mind and brings up conversations I’ve thought about trying to bring up before.

  1. True
  2. False

#5 My man regularly tells me he thinks I’m beautiful and that I’m doing great. He supports my goals and dreams.

  1. True
  2. False

If you answered mostly true: 5 points

If you mainly selected false: 0 points

What this means: If you mostly selected true, your man is great at being in tune with you and understands you. He wants to cheer you up and help you accomplish goals. If you mainly selected false, you and your boyfriend may want to go over what you’d like to see change as far as your communication goes.

Your Scores


If you got 21, you have a great boyfriend! He makes you feel safe, listens to you, tries to impress you and is there to defend your honor and your Oreos. He’s a Prince Charming.


You have a good boyfriend. He might have some stuff he needs guidance with, but he really likes you and is trying to build a better future relationship.


Your boyfriend is a bit of a fixer-upper. He needs you to help him see where he isn’t quite catching on, and he probably wants to improve his communication or driving skills to make you happy.

Dating is a powerful tool in deciding what personalities and standards you are attracted to, and it’s a great time to decide if you’re looking to get married or not. Whatever your circumstances and no matter if your boyfriend is “great”, “good”, or a “fixer-upper”, it’s good to take note of what you do and don’t like in relationships so you can find someone who will build a wonderful relationship with you throughout life. If you’re looking for dating advice or further help with building a better relationship with your great boyfriend, this is a great and free online option!