7 Essential Pieces of Jewelry to Wear on a Date

Seven Essential Pieces of Jewelry to Wear on a Date

In this article, I will be introducing you to the seven essential pieces of jewelry to wear on a date. Find that perfect piece to match that perfect dress. If you’ve ever had first date jitters, you know that choosing the right outfit is half the battle. When Clueless came out, I vowed to grow up and have Cher Horowitz’s computer software and electronic clothing rack that magically dressed her every day. Much to my dismay, this either hasn’t been invented yet or is too outside of my budget to even know of its existence.

I’ve spent countless hours staring at my closet before a date, waiting for my clothes to come to life and put together an ensemble that sends the message I’m trying to send. The struggle is alive and well of deciding how sexy is too sexy combined with how to not look like a librarian. If you’re anything like me while going through the usual dressing process, the struggle isn’t over once you’ve got the clothing part down. I’m always so focused on putting together the right top/bottom/jacket/shoes combination that I completely forget about the final step until the very end.

Yep, you guessed it. I’m talking about jewelry.

The Importance of Accessorizing with Essential Pieces of Jewelry on a Date

Accessorizing, is equally as important as remembering to wear pants. You almost feel naked without it and might as well be. There’s something about jewelry that gives you the same feeling of sexiness as your cleavage can give you, without having to worry about men uncontrollably imagining what taking it off would be like. I mean, I don’t know about you, but personally I’ve never worn a necklace that has forced me to have to remind a guy that “my eyes are up HERE”.

Yet, somehow, the right jewelry makes me feel more desirable. It can really make or break an outfit, and when you feel confident, it radiates through your overall personality and poise.

I have jewelry for every occasion, as do most of us that are into accessorizing. Going to the movies, going out to dinner, a night out on the town, game night, going shopping (coincidentally), even going to the beach. For some reason, however, I have always found choosing the right jewelry for a date to be the hardest feat.

How much is too much? Should I assume he knows anything about fashion and wear my new, massive, signature ring because it’s in style right now or will he think it’s much too gaudy? If I wear a low-cut top, should I steer clear of wearing a long necklace in order to avoid drawing double the attention to my boobs?

The questions I have asked myself over the years are endless, but after many trials and tribulations, I’ve narrowed down my date night jewelry to 7 different categories that I hope you find useful the next time you’re staring at your jewelry box before a hot date with a new eligible bachelor. These 7 are, in my opinion, the essential pieces of jewelry to wear on a date.

Essential Pieces of Jewelry to Wear on a Date

#1: Earrings

Let’s start with the basics. It’s impossible to specifically name one particular type of earring for the perfect date night outfit, because they’re all so good. I do believe, however, that there are soft guidelines on choosing the right pair of earrings to compliment your look for a night out.

Earrings, to me, are an essential piece of jewelry to wear on a date when I want to look and feel my best. It goes without saying that this definitely pertains to date night. You know how when you’re on a date and the guy says something funny or flirtatious, your first instinctive reaction is to flip your hair? Or, y’know, that might just be my own nervous tick (insert awkward pause here). Either way, no piece of jewelry makes me feel more attractive in that moment than a great pair of earrings to showcase.

My personal favorite between gold and silver, is gold. I actually don’t own a pair of silver earrings, but again, it’s all personal preference. Sure, jewelry is for accessorizing your physical presence, but it’s showing off your personality as well! That said, my go-to’s for date earrings are small gold hoops or gold dangles (not too flashy) if I’m wearing my hair down, studs if my hair is up. They’re all classy and sophisticated while framing your beautiful face, giving a solid reminder to your date as to how much they like looking at it.

Earrings are an essential date night piece for me, you can play around with what type fits your style best!

My only advice (after many previous encounters with my male friends weighing in on my outfit choices) is not to overdo it on the size or shape. You want your earrings to draw attention TO your face, not replace it.

#2: The Conversation Starter

These are my favorites. It can be a ring, necklace, earrings or bracelet- the possibilities are endless! This essential piece of jewelry to wear on a date isn’t about placement on your body, it’s about what it represents.

I have several conversation starter pieces: Two necklaces, about seven bracelets, and one ring. All of them look completely different from one another, because once again, it’s all about what it brings to the table. A conversation starter is something that stands out, but in a unique way, that you’re sure to be asked about.

For example, I have a turquoise bracelet made out of gemstones, one of which has a carving of a lobster on it. It’s something that no guy is ever going to assume that I bought because I saw it on sale, because it’s unique from anything else I’m wearing as well as having a unique look that you don’t come across often. I wear it on my right hand if I’m going on a dinner date, so that he’s bound to see it when I’m using silverware. When he inevitably inquires, it sparks up a conversation about how I had it made for me by a local in Bali. What comes from that? You guessed it, a conversation. Usually it leads to my love for traveling, we get to talk about our favorite places we’ve been and where we want to go, experiences we’ve had, people we’ve met, the list goes on. It’s an incredible floodgate that opens to a whole new topic we can spend a lot of time on, while getting to know each other on a deeper and more passionate level. All from a bracelet!

#3: A Dainty Necklace

By dainty, I mean don’t show up to a date wearing enough diamonds around your neck to blind your date. Like earrings, I believe that necklaces are an essential jewelry piece for dates. They draw attention to the right part of your neck and chest. Just like earrings, you don’t want to wear something that’s going to take the attention away from your own beauty.

I have so many statement necklaces that I absolutely adore. However, I deeply believe it’s important to stay away from them on the first few dates. It can send a message that you’re high maintenance. Even if you are, you don’t want that aspect of your personality to be the main takeaway from a date. I’ve cringed way too many times at my girlfriends going on dates wearing these massive necklaces with a thousand layers, diamonds, even rhinestones; because if it’s the first thing I notice on them, it’s definitely going to be the first thing he notices as well.

Another rule of thumb for me is to steer clear of chokers. Not for the same reasons that some people have, like it conveys sexual connotations, but because personally one of my favorite body parts on us women is the neck. Wearing a choker kind of cuts the elegance of a beautiful neck in half. Leaving that part of your neck bare is way sexier, in my humble opinion.

With dainty necklaces, you can’t go wrong. They compliment the outfit well, they can make you feel dainty, and most of the men I know appreciate class and jewelry mixed into one.

I suggest a layered necklace with a very thin chain, small statement charms hanging from it, at a medium length unless a longer necklace fits the top of your outfit better.

#4: The Good Luck Charm

Everyone has one. Even if you don’t know it, you probably own a lucky piece of jewelry.

Is there a special ring you’ve managed to hold onto for years? You know, the one you always take on trips with you without even thinking twice on whether or not you should pack it. The one that you wear more than any other piece of jewelry you own. It doesn’t have to be a ring, for me it’s a relatively cheap gold bracelet that somehow manages to come everywhere with me.

This is your good luck charm. You’ve kept it around for a reason, and this is the sole reason that it is an essential piece of jewelry to wear on a date.

Maybe you DO know it’s your good luck charm and that’s why you’ve kept it around. My cheap gold bracelet has been with me when I’ve booked dream jobs, when I’ve fallen in love, and on special family vacations that I’ll remember forever. Either way, it’s a part of you and you should take it with you on all new experiences and potential romantic pursuits.

If it doesn’t go with your outfit, try something new with it! I have a good luck ring that I sometimes put on a necklace, and vice versa. Jewelry is amazing for many reasons, but mainly because it’s so interchangeable with how you can wear it.

Looking for the right someone to show off your favorite jewelry to? This chat room is a great place to meet singles!

#5: Clean Pieces as One of the Seven Essential Pieces of Jewelry

Circling back to not wearing statement necklaces that are too loud, keep the rest of your jewelry on date nights simple, light, and clean. Not only do you not want to overdo it from the start, but to get a little personal, you want to make sure you’re not wearing anything too chunky or bold that can get in the way of holding hands, kissing, or whatever extra-curricular activities you and your date find yourselves apart of.

One night, I had a first date with a guy I’d just met and was really into. All of my jewelry was simple, my outfit was fresh, I felt great because I believed I looked great. I was wearing an opal stone ring that wasn’t too over the top, but it did have some rough edges to it that I thought nothing of. I used that hand to try his drink at dinner, to brush a hair away from his face outside, holding his hand walking from the restaurant to the car, things were fine!

….. Aaaaand then he dropped me off. Our first kiss, I reached up to put my hand around his neck, and I sliced him with my ring. Hard. He was a good sport about it, but after being scarred from that experience, I’ve learned to forever take into consideration the damage I might do by engaging in any form of physical activity whilst wearing bulky or sharp jewelry.

Just stick to clean pieces that are easily mobile around extra hands and faces, for his sake as well. Clean pieces are definitely an essential pieces of jewelry to wear on dates.

#6: Stackable Rings as an Essential Piece of Jewelry

On the subject of rings, these are actually my favorite kind. Delicate in appearance (and in no way a weapon), they add the perfect finishing touch to your hands.

If you’re like me, you tend to talk with your hands a LOT. If you’re not like me, then I’m willing to bet the farm that you at least eat with utensils using your hands, which meals account for a lot of dates. Both case scenarios led to the same thing, and that’s clearly that your hands are present for a lot of your dates. Why not dress them up?!

Stackable rings are great because it combines #5 with #6 on this list. They’re clean, you can layer them easily without looking too blinged out, and they’re almost always in style so it’s an elegant way to show your girly, fashionista side. These reasons are what makes stackable rings an essential piece of jewelry to wear on a date.

Katie Dean and Stone & Strand are my two favorite jewelry lines for stackable rings, they have something for every personality and look you’re going for!

Need color-scheme inspiration for date night outfits? Join COLOURLovers, a worldwide creative community where people create and share colors, palettes, patterns, and latest trends!

#7: Toe Rings (Just Kidding!) Bracelets as an Essential Piece of Jewelry to Wear

I had to make a cheap joke because I just saw a meme online that read “Remember toe rings? We don’t either”, and I thought it was a little funny. Because they WERE all the rage at one point, if you were born before 1992.

Back to the real essential piece. Bracelets! In my opinion, this is the one acceptable area of date night jewelry that you can actually have a little fun with in terms of wearing something flashy. Bracelets aren’t close enough to your face or in his line of sight enough to overdo exposure on it, and they’re actually a lot of fun to mix combinations and brands with in order to create a new look every time. This makes it an essential piece of jewelry to wear on a date.

My go-to bracelets are a couple of gold bangles with one larger gold threaded piece. The best part is that bracelets are super easy to shop for anywhere, and if you’re on a budget then you can find really inexpensive ones that don’t look as cheap as they actually were.

I’m definitely not suggesting that you wear all seven of these pieces together on the same date- Choose your outfit and then see which suits it best, then save the others for your next date night. Who knows, maybe it’ll be Date #2 with the same lucky guy who fell in love with your Conversation Starter piece! Mixing and matching is my favorite part of accessorizing, remember to keep it simple and delicate while also combining a jewelry selection that fits your fun individuality! Just follow these guidelines for essential pieces of jewelry to wear on a date, and you will be sure to impress!

Don’t forget, if you need help landing that initial date, jump on over and read how to talk with a stranger in chat rooms and on online chat!